Countering Channel Complexities - The Opportunities and Challenges of Data and Analytics in a Rapidly Channging Communication Channel Landscape

The opportunities and challenges of data and analytics in a rapidly channging communication channel landscape
In this workshop we dive into the role of data and analytics for communication professionals. The communication landscape is changing rapildy and we have an increasing number of channels to reach our audiences. This makes the role of data both more important and more difficult at the same time. How do we measure what really matters and how to we collect and combine the data we need to support our decision making? 

In this workshop we dive into the changes in the communication media landscape and the opportunities and challenges for the use of data and analytics that these changes create. We discuss the increasingly fragmented or ‘multiplex’ customer channel behaviours and reflect upon the impact for communication professionals.  

The workshop will help you better understand the communication channel landscape and set realistic goals and key performance indicators that can be measured using omni-channel data. 

What I do:

Willem Pieterson is a researcher/consultant who helps public sector agencies with their digital transformation and use of data, especially in the context of service delivery. In addition, he is a visiting scholar at the IT University Copenhagen where he contributes research projects on digital government.  

He has worked with government agencies around the world and with organisations such as the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). 

He has published over 70 (academic) articles, book chapters, conference papers and reports on public service delivery, multi-channel management, digitalization & digital strategies, and use of data within the public sector.