Using Strategic Partnerships to Communicate a Cohesive Country Brand in International Student Recruitment

This seminar will focus on how to use strategic partnerships to communicate a cohesive country brand to maximise international student recruitment, using the case of Study in Sweden. We will showcase the successful collaboration between the Swedish Institute (SI) and the Network for International Marketing and Communication (NIMK) in promoting Sweden as a study destination, revealing their strategies and tactics that have yielded success in attracting international students to Sweden. During the seminar, we will give an overview of the two organisations and explore the role played by the platform “Study in Sweden” and the Sweden brand in shaping the country’s appeal to international students, key elements for success for universities in Sweden.
We will explore:
• factors that have contributed to a successful international recruitment strategy in Sweden.
• learnings gained from 13 years of tuition fees in Sweden.
• the impact that recent events, such as the Quran burnings and Sweden’s involvement in the NATO process, have had on the Sweden brand and analyse their impact on international student recruitment.
• common problems and mistakes to avoid when engaging in international student recruitment.

What we do:

Hannah Maxwell, The Swedish Institute
Marketing Manager and Team leader – Study in Sweden

Stefan Haglund, Linnaeus University
Communication strategist and Team leader International student recruitment
Chairman of Network for International Marketing and Communication, NIMK

Stefan Hauglund
Hannah Maxwell