Introducing a New Learning Management System: How Internal Communications can Contribute to Succesful Organisational Changes

In all major organisational changes, having a clear and well-organised internal communication strategy is imperative – before, during and after the change. In this circus session, I will share my experiences of how Aarhus University structured the internal communication efforts when implementing a new learning management system in the autumn of 2021.

Going from one learning management system to another represented a major organisational change as the system is used by all students and lecturers on a daily basis. Thus, the overall aim of our internal communication efforts was to ensure a smooth transition to the new system by communicating with both target groups in a timely, relevant and targeted manner throughout the entire change process.

In the session, I will demonstrate how we did so by using a variety of platforms and a combination of tools and channels on local and central level. I will also elaborate on how we based our communication efforts on a close collaboration between the comms department, the other adminstrative departments and the senior management team. This collaboration not only contributed to ensuring that the transition ran as smoothly as possible, but also that the message of the change corresponded with the overall organisational strategy.

What I do:
Communications consultant at Aarhus Univesity (Rector‘s office)

Sinne Louise Brandt Jakobsen | LinkedIn

Sinne Brandt Jakobsen