How we Removed the Blindfold and Started Writing About Cake - A Study of Internal Communications at the Faculty of Health, Aarhus University

Do you know your internal audiences? We sure didn‘t. For years, we had been writing articles and sending out newsletters to employees at both department and faculty levels with access to a minimum of statistics and with no real insights on the preferences of our readers. 

All this changed a few years ago, when we finally had the chance to do a study on the internal communications at the Faculty of Health. 

After conducting a series of 6 focus groups and analyzing questionaire replys from approximately 1,000 employees, the findings we ended up with were real eye-openers. 

We share our study design, give you a rundown of our most significant and surprising findings, and let you in on how this study has changed the way we do internal communications.  

We also share our thoughts and discussions on how these results have changed minds at a management level and how the study has impacted our portfolio of tasks in the communications department.  

So, come hear the story of how we removed the blindfold and started writing about cake.

What I do:

Simon Fischel, Communications Officer, Aarhus University  

Lise Wendel, Special consultant, Aarhus University.

Lise has worked in communications for 15 years. The past 8 years at The Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, working with a broad array of internal communications - from advising management to publishing staff newsletters.

Lise Wendel Eriksen
Simon Fischel