Getting Creative

This workshop combines creative theory with practice and offers the oportunity for participants, not just to understand their own creativity better, but learn to create optimal condition for creativity when working individually and in teams. They will learn to challenge their natural thought patterns and habits and increase their ability to think creatively. We will work in small teams and use practical hands-on exercises and creativity tools to identify some of the most common pitfalls in creative problem solving and learn how to overcome them. Unlike what many people think, it can be very important to work structured when working creativity.

What I do

By day, Dr. Morten Friis-Olivarius is the CEO and founder of the Copenhagen Institute of NeuroCreativity. He is a neuroscientist by training and has spent more than a decade investigating the neural mechanism that enables human creativity, why some are more creative than others, and in particular how to apply this knowledge to enhance creativity in large companies.

Morten is internationally known for his research and was the first to show how preconscious memory formations are a crucial factor in creative talent. Through his work at CINC, Morten consults leading companies like Novo Nordisk, Maersk Line, IKEA and many more. At night, he is a serial entreprenør and the co-founder of PlatoScience, who produces neurostimulation headsets for medical care. Also, Morten coined the term NeuroCreativity.

Morten Friis-Olivarius