The Missing Men: What Can We Do About the Gender Gap in Higher Education? 

Higher education in Norway is strongly divided along gender lines. This has long-term consequences for the workforce and society. Since the 1970s, the proportion of women in male-dominated fields of study has increased significantly, and women have to some extent taken over certain prestigious disciplines that were previously male-dominated, such as medicine, psychology, and economics.  

However, men have not entered female-dominated fields of study in the same way. Today, women are overrepresented in health and teacher education, but they also dominate fields such as sociology, social anthropology, and pedagogy. 

In this workshop we aim to address the gender inequality by exploring key questions. 

How can educational institutions attract more men to female-dominated fields? 
What insights do we have about the effectiveness of various measures to improve gender balance in education? 

How can we effectively communicate to and engage this target group? 

The workshop is led by communicators from the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences at NTNU. It will primarily consist of facilitated group discussions and the key insights will be shared in plenary sessions. 
The main goal of the workshop is to share experiences and expertise among fellow communicators in the Nordic countries. 

What we do:

Mia Katrine Bech-Nilsen, communications adviser
Thomas Vikestad Kalvik, senior adviser

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences

Have a look at our YouTube series about men in female-dominated studies, Guttastemning, and our Instagram NTNU Samfunn
You can also have a look at this project by our co-workes, Menn i Skolen.

Mia Katrine Bech-Nilsen
Thomas Vikestad Kalvik