Topic based pages on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the fastest growing platforms for knowledge dissemination, thanks to its algorithm. How can universities ride that wave? Well, KTH went from a single page to five in three years, using showcase pages for different topics. This strategy proved valuable within the complex landscape of a university, meeting the high demand for disseminating content efficiently.

Today KTH has four topic based pages focusing on Materials Science, Energy, Digitalisation and Cities, where specific targets groups can dive deeper into subjects beyond what the main university page offers.

Learn about KTH’s strategy, how it changed ways of working and created a better connection to the researchers. Get a glimpse of successes and challenges in terms of posts, and learnings that the team will use forward.

What we do:

Martina Frick Isberg, Social Media Manager at KTH. I‘ve been working with social media for 10 years in different companies and organisations. My role is mostly strategic but I also work with publishing and creating content.

Ulrika Georgsson, Communications Officer the KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management with responsibility for the various digital channels of the school. Websites, newsletters and social media are her playfields, and over the years she has started and run several Social media pages.

KTH Central LinkedIn

Energy at KTH

 Material Science at KTH

Digitalisation at KTH

Cities at KTH

Martina Frick Isberg
Ulrika Georgsson