New Social Media Strategy – Lessons from UCPH

How do you ensure that the university's social media profiles correspond with the overall strategy – and how do you maximize the impact that each individual channel can have on the individual target groups? 

These were the questions we worked on when we at the University of Copenhagen decided to create a completely new strategy for social media. It isn’t exactly breaking news that there are good opportunities on social media to reach a lot of different target groups with important messages, but it is also an area that is constantly developing. 

That's why we started with a basic analysis of all our platforms. What works - and what doesn't? After about 6 months, we were ready with the new direction, which has now guided our work for about a year. So, what have we learned? A lot, and the preliminary results indicate that we are on the right track.

What I do:

Senior communications advicer, University of Copenhagen. Has about 10 years of experience in strategic use of social media. Previous experience from politics, news media and the central bank of Denmark  

Kristian Granov