Doing it More Strategically: How Research Themes Drive Science Communication at the University of Helsinki

As a multidisciplinary research university with eleven faculties, the University of Helsinki has an abundance of topics to communicate. To profile the university and enhance the impact of research and education, we defined five strategic research themes on which we concentrate in communications. In this session I will walk you through how we work around the themes, make the most of what we do, and what the results are so far. In a nutshell: how we have learned to do less and work more strategically.
Kati Toivanen

What I do

Communications Manager, University of Helsinki
Kati Toivanen is Communications Manager at the University of Helsinki, in charge of current affairs communication. Kati’s background is in journalism, and she has worked for newspapers and magazines. Kati holds a master’s degree in literature and is an Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism alum.

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Kati Toivanen