Communication Planning and Advising in Times of Change

Communication planning and advising can be extremely challenging in times of change. But why? And how do you succeed communicating change?
In this workshop we dive into the best insights and tools from strategic communication and psychodynamic organisational psychology. Strategy and emotions go hand in hand in times of change. As a communicator you must include both aspects in your planning and advising.
Helle will provide findings from research and case studies and facilitate a joint reflection involving the participants’ own experience with change communication. The aim will be to discuss ‘best practice’ and provide hands on inspiration to succeed with change communication.

What I do:

Helle Petersen is a communications researcher and advisor, PhD in Change Communication and Master of the Psychology of Organisations (MPO). She is an external lecturer at the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) and an independent consultant specialising in strategic communication, leadership in change processes and the role of the advisor.  

Helle conducts applied research projects in close collaboration with private and public organisations in need of thorough analysis and hands on solutions aiming to strengthen the communication culture and leadership practise. 

She has a background as an industrial researcher and manager at Novo Nordisk and as an associate professor in Strategic Communication and Work and Organisational Psychology at Roskilde University. She is the author of, among others: Forandringskommunikation (2016), Slå til! Den effektive rådgivers dna (2018), Kommunikationsplanlægning i praksis (2021) and Ledelseskommunikation. Teori og cases om følgeskab og forandring (2023) 

Helle Petersen | LinkedIn 

Helle Petersen