Web Organization – How to Ensure Content Quality

The web publishing organization at Malmö University has one common goal – to create and maintain content with high quality from a user perspective. As it is somewhat of a challenge to keep the actual user in mind when we create and publish web content, Malmö University has a number of web editors from many parts of the organization with variyng knowledge levels on web publishing.

This seminar will focus on how we constantly work on the web editors and their knowledge and engagement on the user. We will discuss what tools and regulations we use. The accessibility guidelines have had a big impact on this. The strengths and weaknessess of different kinds of web organization will also be covered in this seminar.

What we do:

Michael Gustafson, Web Strategist, Malmö University
Michael works with the technical aspects of Malmö University´s web sites. The role also covers search speciality and web editor training.

David Hesslefors, Web Strategist, Malmö University
David works with the development and management of Malmö University´s web sites. The role also includes a special focus on digital accessibility.

Website: https://mau.se/en/persons/michael.gustafson/

Website: https://mau.se/en/persons/david.hesslefors/

David Hesslefors and Michael Gustafson