Data Became (Once Again!) a Gamechanger in Recruitment

Are we sure that we are recruiting new students efficiently in the right segments? Are we using channels that match the target groups, and what about the messages? What do we actually know about the motivations, desires, and concerns of young people when they choose their education? After a couple of years of COVID-19 lockdown and constant debate about the well-being of young people, the recruitment team at the Faculty of SCIENCE at the University of Copenhagen needed a solid foundation for their recruitment efforts. A market survey was therefore conducted in the spring of 2023, and the insights from it resulted in a new and more offensive and segmented recruitment strategy. Come and learn about the development of the new strategy and what it has meant for the recruitment efforts in the 2023-2024 academic year. We will discuss the process, the resistance we encountered along the way, the challenge to the political attention on universities' marketing budgets, and the specific new initiatives in this year's recruitment campaign. Expect that you and your own experiences will be involved throughout. The goal of the seminar is for all of us to leave with new ideas for initiatives that can improve our recruitment.

What we do

Birgitte Lyhne Broksø
Birgitte Lyhne is Head of Communications at the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Science. She is a trained journalist and holds a master’s degree in Corporate Communication, with many years of experience as a communications director in public and private organizations. As the University of Copenhagen’s representative in the Universities Denmark working group, she has been involved in drafting the new code of conduct for responsible research dissemination.

Jesper Bang Vinther
Works primarily with external communication, student recruitment, and campaign development at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. With a background as video/television producer, I now work with many types of content for web, video, animation, social media, outdoor media and printed publications.

Birgitte Lyhne Broksø
Jesper Bang Vinther